I find it incredibly difficult to expose myself on social media because I don't see how I can be one hundred percent genuine. I created Simply Simplistic as a way to seek truthiness in not only my thoughts and feelings but also my everyday life. We only post what we want the public to see but never the tribulations we are often faced with. Even the happiest of people find themselves in a state of dissatisfaction.
My name is Jenessa Gonzalez and in a couple of months I will be taking my first steps away from the familiarity of education to independence. College is a scary concept but I find myself ready to take on yet another 4 years of school under my belt all the while documenting my journey towards the pursuit of my greatest passion: writing.
As I do find myself to be a typical teenager, indulging in mindless gossip, movies and shopping, I believe myself to be eclectic and eccentric. My close friends and family understand and accept my quirkiness and it's taken me a long time for me to accept myself as well. It's a long process to find comfort in yourself and that's just the thing I am currently working on.